Tyler's Website

PC Build
PC Build

For this project, I had to replace the motherboard, CPU, CPU Cooler, GPU, and case for an exisiting computer I owned. As this is my personal computer, I had the sole responsibility to make sure I did not destroy any computer parts via static electricity or other physical damage. The main challenge of this project was updating the BIOS of the motherboard as the ryzen 5600x is not supported by the motherboard from the factory. I learned hardware skills with setting up computers properly and installation of drivers.

Social Media Management Project
Social Media Management Project

For this project, I was tasked in running social media on instagram, facebook, and twitter about a ficticious brand named Sim-racing Central. The main challenges of this project would be curating content on a weekly basis for all three platforms, and coming up with unique ideas that would garner user attention. I learned how to manage social media from this project, as well as how to manage time more efficiently.

Creston Redesign Project
UX Design Sprint

For this project, my group and I were tasked with creating a redesign of the Creston Projector software, currently used by FSU. My role was being the group leader, and we went with my drafted design to fix the software. The main challenge with this project would be the time constraints, as we had one class period to design the solution and had to present it next class. I learned both leadership and time management skills in this activity.

Lockpicking Speech

For this project, I was tasked with delivering a recorded informational speech that had to be shot in one take. My role would be presenting this video in front of the class and ensuring that my video was of good quality. The main challenge of this activity would be recording and teaching the mechnaisms of locks, as I had to set up a second camera to record simultaneously. I learned video editing skills and presentation skills from this project.
